How I Organize My Life As A Blogger

by | Jan 16, 2021 | Blogging Tips | 10 comments

If you’re curious to know how I organize my life as a blogger, keep on reading!

Blogging takes a lot more work than people imagine so I’m always looking for new ways to organize my life as a blogger to make it as easy on me as possible.

My favorite thing about the beginning of a year is the organization/ planning part. I don’t know what it is about it, but just getting everything sorted for a new year makes me feel like an adult who knows where their life is going.

Related: How To Plan, Organize And Achieve Your Goals

Every year, I go through all the tools I use and plan out what the next year will (hopefully) look like. 2021 was no exception.

I haven’t changed my organization drastically compared to last year, but I did tweak it so it could fit my current needs.

Keep scrolling to find out how I organize my life as a blogger!

How I Organize My Life As A Blogger

Bullet Journal

Although I absolutely love digital organization tools, I can never let go of my bullet journal. I absolutely this system to get my to-dos organized. I’ve tried planners, digital calendars, and everything in between, but nothing worked quite like my bujo.

RELATED: 2021 Bullet Journal Setup – Simple and Minimal

I love the flexibility of making my own spreads, where I can add what makes sense to me. Besides that, I like the creative side it has.

For 2021, I will use my bullet journal as my every day to-do list. Last year, I created a ton of spreads that I ended up never using so this year I’m going to keep it as simple as I can.

RELATED:30 Bullet Journal Page Ideas You Can Create Right Now



Notion is my baby. I absolutely love it. I’ve been using it consistently for almost a year now and pretend to continue to use it throughout 2021.

I love the versatility of this platform. You can create everything from spreadsheets, linked databases and kanban boards to something as simple as a to-do list or simple note.

Just like last year, I’m planning to use Notion for organize pretty much everything that has to do with The European Closet, as well as personal things like recipes to try, notes I take from books I’m reading and things like that.

RELATED:How I Use Notion To Organize My Blogging Life


Another digital organization tool I’m using to organize my life in 2021 is Evernote.

My relationship with Evernote is a love-hate one. I used to use it to organize absolutely everything (digital-wise) in my life but it was lacking in some aspects.

I ended up making the move to Notion, but I still used Evernote for a few things. This year, though I created a system of what exactly goes into Notion and what goes into Evernote.

In 2021 I will use Evernote mainly for scanning documents. The scanner of the app is amazing and is super easy to use. I found that getting my receipts into Notion took a few too many steps. With Evernote, it’s as easy as opening the app’s camera and pointing it to the receipt.

I will also use it to take quick notes on my phone. When I’m on the go and don’t have a notebook with me, I just open the “Quick Note” widget and type what I want. Doing this with Notion takes a while because the phone app takes quite a few seconds to load.

Those quick notes will then be migrated to Notion when I’m doing my weekly reset routine on Sundays.

Blogging takes a lot more work than people imagine so I'm always looking for new ways to organize my life as a blogger to make it as easy on me as possible. Every year, I go through all the tools I use and plan out what the next year will (hopefully) look like. 2021 was no exception.

Other Notebooks

Aside my bullet journal, I like to keep either a notebook or notepad next to me at all times just so I can jot down any to-dos or ideas might have.

Now you might be thinking “but isn’t that what you said you would do with Evernote?”. Yes. But! I love to just write things so having a physical notebook is a must for me. Again, these notes will then be migrated to Notion at the end of each week.

If you want to take your blog posts to the next level, I highly recommend Ultimate SEO Boss (af) as well as Pro Email Marketing Tips for Bloggers (af). They are great resources, trust me!

How are you organizing your blogging life in 2021?


new signature 2023
Blogging takes a lot more work than people imagine so I'm always looking for new ways to organize my life as a blogger to make it as easy on me as possible. Every year, I go through all the tools I use and plan out what the next year will (hopefully) look like. 2021 was no exception.

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  1. Cherith

    This is great information! I’m a new blogger and I’m really trying to get in a routine and get my life organized as I juggle working full-time and blogging. Thanks so much for sharing!

    • Rita Valente

      I’m glad you found the post helpful Cherith!

      • Wellness Sparkles

        Thank you for sharing this! I struggle to organize my thoughts, I tried Evernote but I found it overwhelming a little bit so I switched to bullet journals and notebooks.

        • Rita Valente

          I know what you mean. I was super overwhelmed by Evernote and Notion when I first started out. But I’m glad you found the post helpful!

  2. Candace

    These are great organizational ideas! I need to look into Evernote to see if I would like it.

    • Rita Valente

      Evernote is much simpler than Notion so I think it would be good for someone who’s just starting out with digital organization/planning.

  3. Adrian

    I organize my business in Trello, which sounds very similar to Notion. I find it a lifesaver and I use it a bunch of times every day. The paper journaling, not so much, although I will use it when I’m doing extensive planning and need to brainstorm. But when I get to the action items, then I keep those in Trello. I’m very visual, so if it isn’t right in front of me, it’s gone from my brain! I’m also reading Atomic Habits, which is a great book for getting clear on your goals and your daily triggers.

    • Rita Valente

      I used to organize some things in Trello too but then I found Notion and I found that it was a lot more “complete” than Trello because it doesn’t have just kanban boards. But I still think Trello is an extremely powerful tool.
      I’ve also read Atomic Habits and I loved it! Such an insightful book

  4. Shuana

    Notion is amazing! I use it to organize my writing and other things like whatever upcoming movies or shows I want to watch or books I want to read. I also use a personal notebook/journal, it’s a totally different feeling writing things down and I really like it. Though some of it goes into Notion for me to organize things better.

    This is a great share, glad I got to read your post πŸ™‚


    • Rita Valente

      That’s exactly what I feel too! I love Notion and it’s great for organizing everything but nothing ever compares to writing things down on paper!


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  1. Cherith

    This is great information! I’m a new blogger and I’m really trying to get in a routine and get my life organized as I juggle working full-time and blogging. Thanks so much for sharing!

    • Rita Valente

      I’m glad you found the post helpful Cherith!

      • Wellness Sparkles

        Thank you for sharing this! I struggle to organize my thoughts, I tried Evernote but I found it overwhelming a little bit so I switched to bullet journals and notebooks.

        • Rita Valente

          I know what you mean. I was super overwhelmed by Evernote and Notion when I first started out. But I’m glad you found the post helpful!

  2. Candace

    These are great organizational ideas! I need to look into Evernote to see if I would like it.

    • Rita Valente

      Evernote is much simpler than Notion so I think it would be good for someone who’s just starting out with digital organization/planning.

  3. Adrian

    I organize my business in Trello, which sounds very similar to Notion. I find it a lifesaver and I use it a bunch of times every day. The paper journaling, not so much, although I will use it when I’m doing extensive planning and need to brainstorm. But when I get to the action items, then I keep those in Trello. I’m very visual, so if it isn’t right in front of me, it’s gone from my brain! I’m also reading Atomic Habits, which is a great book for getting clear on your goals and your daily triggers.

    • Rita Valente

      I used to organize some things in Trello too but then I found Notion and I found that it was a lot more “complete” than Trello because it doesn’t have just kanban boards. But I still think Trello is an extremely powerful tool.
      I’ve also read Atomic Habits and I loved it! Such an insightful book

  4. Shuana

    Notion is amazing! I use it to organize my writing and other things like whatever upcoming movies or shows I want to watch or books I want to read. I also use a personal notebook/journal, it’s a totally different feeling writing things down and I really like it. Though some of it goes into Notion for me to organize things better.

    This is a great share, glad I got to read your post πŸ™‚


    • Rita Valente

      That’s exactly what I feel too! I love Notion and it’s great for organizing everything but nothing ever compares to writing things down on paper!


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