Sunday Routine: How to Set Up Your Week

by | Jul 11, 2019 | Productivity | 0 comments

I think we’ve all heard the expression ‘the best Monday morning begins on a Sunday evening’ right? If you haven’t heard that saying before, don’t worry, I will explain why you should have a Sunday routine in this post.

Sundays are usually days we associate with relaxing, sleeping in, and just laying around but Sundays are also the days that precede a brand new week, meaning they’re the perfect days to get everything organized and ready for the next week. I know, I know, it sounds super boring.

RELATED: 20 Simple Ideas For a Reset Day

I mean, who wants to be doing any kind of work when you can be melting into your sofa? But trust me on this: your upcoming week will go much better if you just take a few moments of your Sunday to get everything ready to go.



In order to start your week right, you should definitely take good care of yourself so you can be in your best shape. Take a relaxing shower or bath, exfoliate, do a face mask, paint your nails. There are a ton of different things you can do for yourself on a Sunday that will make you feel good and want to tackle the upcoming week head first.

Self-care doesn’t only mean beauty-related stuff. Other things you can do on a Sunday to have a better week ahead that can be considered self-care are planning your meals, planning your outfits, and planning your workouts.


A clean space equals a clear mind. Having your home clean, although it sounds like such a trivial thing, it does really help you to feel motivated and ready to work. If you’re someone who isn’t really into cleaning, try setting a 10-minute timer and clean up as much as you can during that time.

Once that timer ends, the most likely thing to happen is that you will want to continue to clean and when you come to, you will have cleaned your entire room. 

I think we've all heard the expression 'the best Monday morning begins on a Sunday evening' right? If you haven't heard that saying before, don't worry, I will explain why you should have a Sunday routine in this post.

Review the previous week

Go over your to-do list from the previous week and check what you’ve competed and what you still have to do. Those to-do’s that are yet to be completed should be transferred into next week’s to-do list. Along with that, you should clear out your inbox and your desktop. It feels amazing seeing a clear inbox and desktop.

Check out how to do a weekly review here.

Plan the next week

As I said above, the to-do’s you weren’t able to accomplish in the previous week should be transferred into next week’s to-do list. with that, jot down new tasks, if you have any.

RELATED: How to Plan Your Week In Less Than an Hour

Go to bed early

This is the most important step to start a new week right. Having a good night of sleep will improve your mood significantly and we all know how being in a good mood on a Monday is important to have a good week.


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I think we've all heard the expression 'the best Monday morning begins on a Sunday evening' right? If you haven't heard that saying before, don't worry, I will explain why you should have a Sunday routine in this post.

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