Work From Home Tips: How To Become a Productivity Machine

by | Feb 9, 2021 | Lifestyle | 6 comments

Do you want to become a productivity machine? Follow these work from home tips and you’ll be one in no time

Working from home was once viewed as a privilege. Now, it’s viewed as an obligation.

I don’t think I need to explain why that is right? I mean we all know why, don’t we miss Rona?

Even after almost a whole year working from home, a lot of people still have difficulties setting boundaries, defining priorities and overall being productive.

In today’s post, I’ve compiled my top 7 work from home tips for you to be your most productive self. Follow all these tips and you will be a productivity machine in no time.


Have a specific place to work from

Having certain elements that help your brain understand that there is the space where you focus on your work. It doesn’t have to be a whole room – just a table with a chair on your bedroom, living room or even kitchen.

Have a space that your brain will easily associate with work – this will help it understand when it’s time to focus.

Have fixed schedules

Just like when you’re working at an office, you should have a schedule, and follow it. It’s easy to carry on working until late at night or even star super late, so that’s why having a schedule is important. It sets boundaries for you and people who live with you.

Get Dressed

Don’t loose comfort but don’t stay in your pajamas. The clothes we wear can and will influence your productivity and even your mood so choose something that makes you feel productive but don’t squeeze you to death.

RELATED: 10 (More) Work From Home Outfits

My go-to outfit is a pair of leggings, a cute sweater and comfy shoes. Most of the time I’m actually in just my socks but when I feel fancy I’ll put on some sneakers.

RELATED: 5 Work From Home Outfits: Simple & Comfortable

Here are my top 7 tips on how to work from home productively. Follow them and you'll be a productivity machine in no time.
Here are my top 7 tips on how to work from home productively. Follow them and you’ll be a productivity machine in no time.

Simple systems

Don’t waste time on creating super elaborate systems and using a bunch of tools at the same time. Be as simple as possible so you can keep your consistency.

There’s no use in having a bunch of apps you use at the same time

Keep your phone away

If you actually need it for your work, disable any notifications from social media apps like Instagram and twitter. If you don’t need it, chuck in in a drawer or better yet put it on a different room.

It takes about 23 minutes for our brains to switch from one thing to another so if you break your concentration by using your phone you’re wasting precious time.

Don’t multitask

Don’t try to do a million things at the same time. Focus your time and energy in one task at a time. Wanting to do it all at the same time means you won’t get anything done, so keep that in mind.

Write it down

Jot everything down from tasks, to ideas, goals, deadline and organize that information in one place.

I personally use Notion to do this but you can use any app you want or if you’re a paper person just do it in a notebook.

The goal here is for you to just have everything out of your mind. There’s not need to occupy brain real-estate with random things that have nothing to do with what you’re working on at that moment.

RELATED: How I Use Notion To Organize My Blogging Life


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Here are my top 7 tips on how to work from home productively. Follow them and you'll be a productivity machine in no time.

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    great tips! it’s so hard to stay motivated when working from home, I agree that getting dressed for the day is important so you don’t feel lazy! thanks for sharing!

  2. Alita Pacio

    I love these tips. I try really hard to put away my phone. It’s my biggest distraction

    • Rita Valente

      I know how you feel. If my phone is by my side, I grab it unconsciously and just scroll for lord knows how long

  3. Tahmina

    I’m notorious for trying to multitask but it just ends up cluttering my mind. These are great tips!


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    great tips! it’s so hard to stay motivated when working from home, I agree that getting dressed for the day is important so you don’t feel lazy! thanks for sharing!

  2. Alita Pacio

    I love these tips. I try really hard to put away my phone. It’s my biggest distraction

    • Rita Valente

      I know how you feel. If my phone is by my side, I grab it unconsciously and just scroll for lord knows how long

  3. Tahmina

    I’m notorious for trying to multitask but it just ends up cluttering my mind. These are great tips!


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